Wired Well

This Smart Tech Can Save Your Life

Minneapolis-based electrical engineer and mom of two, Emily Riggs, was just 34 year old when she noticed a “different looking” mole on her back.  “I saw it and just had a sense of dread,” Riggs said over the phone. “It…

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Wired Well

High tech beauty tweakments? What the tech?

***THIS ARTICLE ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN USA TODAY*** After staring at our own faces on Zoom calls for what seems like the past bajillion years, there’s a major boom in high-tech beauty “tweakments.” That’s the latest term used to describe non-surgical…

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Win it!

Wired Well: Medication Adherence is a tough pill to swallow. This gadget can help

Modern medicine’s come a long way in helping people with chronic illness manage and maintain happy, healthy, and long lives—with one main caveat. You have to take the pills your doctor prescribes, and that can be a whole lot harder than it sounds. 

Medication nonadherence is an estimated $300 billion dollar problem in the United States, and costs more than $100 billion a year in excess hospitalizations, according to nonprofit group Network for Excellence in Health Innovation (NEHI), which researches ways to improve health care. An estimated one-third of people never fill their prescriptions, and three out of four Americans do not take their medications as directed.

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